
Cito Prime Services understands every single trade requires a certain degree of research prior to being executed. We aim to eliminate the risk of high emotion associated in the decision making process by acting in a disciplined manner. One of the key mistakes a Trader can make is to chase a loss or hope it soon recovers. When it comes to the markets hope is meaningless and facts are key.

We believe the key to successful trading is to develop a trading plan. At Cito Prime Services each trade has a well-defined profit target. The art of trading is all about having a balanced view of when to exit a position. There are two key elements in the decision making process.


There are numerous aspects to fundamental analysis and information is always evolving. This is an important tool but we find suffocating yourself with too much information can be confusing. Cito Prime Services takes a top down approach to information analysis. We look at the health of the broader market before analysing individual assets. This trading methodology is based on the premise that if an investor trades in the direction of the larger trend, it greatly increases the odds of putting on a winning trade.


Technical analysis (TA) is not a science but a beautiful form of art. In TA market action discounts everything (with the exception of an act of God or the event of a war), prices generally tend to move in trends and history does repeat itself. Technical indicators can be a powerful tool in assisting traders to make a decision. At Cito Prime Services we find different types of indicators are best suited to certain market conditions. Prior to entering every trade we adopt the appropriate indicators to correspond to our market view.

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